Monday, July 22, 2013

Felt Fruit Fun Tutorial

My grand-kids love to play with these
felt fruit and veggies.
It is a great beginner sewing project.
You can have results in less than an hour.

This is the pattern for a Strawberry.
You will need a piece of red felt
and a piece of green felt. Usually the squares are 25 to 40 cents each at the store. You can get two Strawberries out of one square of felt.

Fold the red felt in half and sew
the straight edges together.
You can do this by hand
or on the machine.
I fill the berry with batting first. Then I added some dry rice for some weight. I make a hole in the batting with my finger and then add the rice. Wiggle the rice into the batting. Fill until it is full. 

I start sewing the middle of the strawberry top. Stitch with a double thread, it makes it stronger for all the pulling.

Keep going around the top until it is all sewn down. Now it is time for the green. Using Green double thread, I sew the top to the strawberry in a small circle.  Then pull it tight to give it some form. Then I like to use Embroidery floss to make a loop on the center of the green. It kind of looks like the stem. 

I chose to use red felt with a little sparkle on it. I didn't want to take time to put seeds.
You can if you want to though. Either with a black fabric pen or sew on seed beads. It depends on the age of the children in your house.
I made these to toss in a blender for a fun game.
So less was better.
Thank you for visiting.
Have FUN!!! 

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